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To know

Photo A. Sares


Shiatsu is a preventive approach.

So, for your well-being, I inform you that I do not practice Shiatsu with people with :


Introducing :

  • Untreated injuries;

  • Unstable epilepsy;

  • Hemophilia (except after evaluation and doctor's agreement);

  • A state of nervousness close to a nervous breakdown or anxiety attack;

  • High fever;

  • Recent fractures (less than 6 weeks old);

  • A herniated disc (inflammatory phase);

  • Unstable arterial hypertension;

  • A state of health weakened by a recent heart attack (wait at least 4 months and have the doctor's agreement);

  • Bone metastasis;

  • Advanced osteoporosis (risk of fractures);

  • Phlebitis;

  • Sciatica (acute phase of crisis);

  • Heavy psychological treatment.


Having :

  • Undergone heavy operations (wait at least 3 months after the operation and have the agreement of the attending physician);

  • Heart valves or a pacemaker;

  • drunk alcohol before the session.


State of pregnancy : Having not yet completed specific training in massage for pregnant women, I do not practice Shiatsu on pregnant women for the moment.



  • For people following chemotherapy sessions, this is possible 4 days before and 4/5 days after chemotherapy (with medical agreement);

  • For people with varicose veins: indicate the location of the varicos veins to avoid them during the session.


Listening to the person is a duty for the Shiatsu practitioner.

Any person who comes to the office for a consultation and who changes his/her mind, has to say it. In that case, his/her choice is respected.

Let me take care of you in the best conditions.

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